Words are meant to captivate. With a little help yours can do just that.
About Angie Kiesling
You know how you can watch a child play and figure out what they are wired to "do" and "be" when they grow up? I was the kid making homemade books sitting cross-legged on the floor. I would write little stories then draw pictures to bring them to life and staple the whole thing together when it was time to "publish." I followed that lifelong passion for words and books by carving out a career in the publishing industry.
My publishing journey has allowed me to work with such notable clients as Publishers Weekly (journalist), Morgan James Publishing (author/editor), Thomas Nelson (content creator), Baker/Revell (author/editor), Jossey-Bass (ghostwriter/press releases), Harvest House (author), Honor Books
(ghostwriter), Albury Publishing (ghostwriter), Barbour Publishing (content creator/editor), Charisma House (ghostwriter/editor), Gale-Cengage (book data), and Abingdon Press (content creator), among others.
After working closely with dozens of authors and editing a few hundred books, I've discovered I have a knack for helping authors give birth to the "book baby" inside them. How can I help you? Please go to the Ask Me page and enter your question(s) there!